0 beğenilme 0 beğenilmeme
591 kez görüntülendi

// This source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/

// © HeWhoMustNotBeNamed



indicator('Auto Harmonic Patterns - Open Source', shorttitle='Auto Patterns', overlay=true, max_bars_back=1000, max_lines_count=500, max_labels_count=500)

Length = input.int(10, minval=0, step=5)

DeviationThreshold = 0

errorPercent = input.int(10, minval=5, step=5, maxval=20)

showPivots = input(false)

showRatios = input(false)

showZigZag = input(false)

bullishColor = input(color.green)

bullTrapColor = input(color.orange)

bearishColor = input(color.red)

bearTrapColor = input(color.lime)

MaxRiskPerReward = input.int(40, title='Max Risk Per Reward (Double Top/Bottom)', step=10, minval=0)


abcdClassic = input(true)

abEQcd = input(true)

abcdExt = input(true)

doubleTopBottom = input(true)

gartley = input(true)

crab = input(true)

deepCrab = input(true)

bat = input(true)

butterfly = input(true)

shark = input(true)

cypher = input(true)

threeDrives = input(true)

fiveZero = input(true)


var abcdlines = array.new_line(3)

var abcdtype = array.new_int(2, 1)


var wmlines = array.new_line(4)

var wmtype = array.new_int(2, 1)

var wmLabels = array.new_bool(9, false)


var patterncount = array.new_int(26, 0)


var zigzaglines = array.new_line(0)

var zigzaglabels = array.new_label(0)

var zigzagdir = array.new_int(0)

var zigzagratios = array.new_float(0)


int max_array_size = 10

transparent = color.new(#FFFFFF, 100)

err_min = (100 - errorPercent) / 100

err_max = (100 + errorPercent) / 100

pivots(length) =>

    float ph = ta.highestbars(high, length) == 0 ? high : na

    float pl = ta.lowestbars(low, length) == 0 ? low : na

    dir = 0

    iff_1 = pl and na(ph) ? -1 : dir[1]

    dir := ph and na(pl) ? 1 : iff_1

    [dir, ph, pl]


get_edir(dir, y2) =>

    eDir = dir

    if array.size(zigzaglines) > 0

        lastLine = array.get(zigzaglines, 0)

        lastPivot = line.get_y1(lastLine)

        eDir := (dir * y2 > dir * lastPivot ? 2 : 1) * dir


    lineColor = eDir == 2 ? bullishColor : eDir == 1 ? bullTrapColor : eDir == -1 ? bearTrapColor : bearishColor

    [eDir, lineColor]


add_to_zigzaglines(x1, y1, x2, y2, dir) =>

    [eDir, lineColor] = get_edir(dir, y2)

    color = showZigZag ? lineColor : color.new(#FFFFFF, 100)

    zline = line.new(x1=x1, y1=y1, x2=x2, y2=y2, color=color, width=2, style=line.style_solid)

    array.unshift(zigzaglines, zline)


add_to_zigzaglabels(x1, x2, y1, y2, dir) =>

    [eDir, lineColor] = get_edir(dir, y2)

    pivotLabel = eDir == 2 ? 'HH' : eDir == 1 ? 'LH' : eDir == -1 ? 'HL' : 'LL'

    lastLineLen = 0.0

    currentLineLen = math.abs(y2 - y1)

    if array.size(zigzaglines) > 0

        lastLine = array.get(zigzaglines, 0)

        lastLineLen := math.abs(line.get_y2(lastLine) - line.get_y1(lastLine))



    ratio = math.round(lastLineLen != 0 ? currentLineLen / lastLineLen : 0, 3)

    labelText = (showPivots ? pivotLabel : '') + (showPivots and showRatios ? ' - ' : '') + (showRatios ? str.tostring(ratio) : '')

    yloc = dir > 0 ? yloc.abovebar : yloc.belowbar

    labelStyle = dir > 0 ? label.style_label_down : label.style_label_up

    labelSize = showRatios and showPivots ? size.normal : size.small

    zlabel = label.new(x=x2, y=y2, text=labelText, xloc=xloc.bar_index, yloc=yloc, color=lineColor, size=labelSize, style=labelStyle)


    array.unshift(zigzaglabels, zlabel)

    array.unshift(zigzagdir, eDir)

    array.unshift(zigzagratios, ratio)

    if not showRatios and not showPivots



add_to_zigzag(dir, dirchanged, ph, pl, index) =>

    value = dir == 1 ? ph : pl


    y1 = dir == 1 ? ta.lowest(Length) : ta.highest(Length)

    x1 = bar_index + (dir == 1 ? ta.lowestbars(Length) : ta.highestbars(Length))

    x2 = index

    y2 = value

    skip = false

    if array.size(zigzaglines) > 0

        if not dirchanged

            lastline = array.get(zigzaglines, 0)

            lasty2 = line.get_y2(lastline)

            if lasty2 * dir > y2 * dir

                skip := true







                skip := false



        if array.size(zigzaglines) > 0

            lastLine = array.get(zigzaglines, 0)

            x1 := line.get_x2(lastLine)

            y1 := line.get_y2(lastLine)



    outsideDeviationThreshold = math.abs(y1 - y2) * 100 / y1 > DeviationThreshold

    if outsideDeviationThreshold and not skip

        add_to_zigzaglabels(x1, x2, y1, y2, dir)


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