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741 kez görüntülendi


Tradingview de bulunan "Leledc Exhaustion Bar" indikatörünü matriks prime ya da iq da kullanılabilir hale getirebilir miyiz?

İndikatörün içinde bulunan "show exhaustion level" özelliğine gerek yok. Sadece oklar olsa yeterli.

Tradingview de ki kod kısmını paylaşıyorum.


//Extension/Mod for - https://www.tradingview.com/script/2rZDPyaC-Leledc-Exhaustion-Bar/ 
study(title='Exhaustion levels (InSilico)',shorttitle="LeveLeledc (InSilico)",overlay=true)

exhaustionSwitch= input(true,title="Show exhaustion Bar point (Arrows)")
levelSwitch= input(true,title="Show exhaustion levels (Lines)")
length= input(40,"Exhaustions swing length")
bars= input(10,"Exhaustion bar count")
thicknesSwitch = input(2, title="Line Thickness(Level thickness)")

//Fun Lele
Lelec(bars, len) =>
    bindex = int(na)
    bindex := nz(bindex[1], 0)
    sindex = int(na)
    sindex := nz(sindex[1], 0)
    return = 0
    bindex := close > close[4] ? bindex + 1 : bindex
    sindex := close < close[4] ? sindex + 1 : sindex
    if bindex > bars and close < open and high >= highest(high, len)
        bindex := 0
        return := -1
        if sindex > bars and close > open and low <= lowest(low, len)
            sindex := 0
            return := 1

//Out C
Lelex = Lelec(bars, length)

//Out Bar 
highlel = Lelex == -1 ? high : na 
lowlel =  Lelex == 1 ? low : na

//Out level
resistance = float(na)
support = float(na)
resistance := close < open and Lelex  ? high : resistance[1]
support := close > open and Lelex  ? low : support[1]

rescol=color.new(#ff0000, 1)
highcol = change(resistance) == 0 ? rescol: na
supcol=color.new(#138484, 1)
lowcol = change(support) == 0 ? supcol : na

//Plot Bar
plotshape(exhaustionSwitch ? lowlel : na,title="Up", color=color.new(#00ff00,1), location=location.belowbar, style=shape.triangleup, size=size.normal)
plotshape(exhaustionSwitch ? highlel: na,title="Down", color=color.new(#ff0000, 1), location=location.abovebar, style=shape.triangledown, size=size.normal)

//Plot level
plot(levelSwitch ? resistance :na, title="Reistance Level", style=plot.style_line, color=highcol, linewidth=thicknesSwitch)
plot(levelSwitch ? support :na, title="Support Level", style=plot.style_line, color=lowcol, linewidth=thicknesSwitch)

alertcondition(lowlel, "Up")
alertcondition(highlel, "Down")


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