0 beğenilme 0 beğenilmeme
401 kez görüntülendi



tradingviewde kullanılan nadaraya smoothers indikatörünün kodunu matrikse cevirebilir misiniz?



// This work is licensed under a Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0) https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/

// © LuxAlgo



indicator("Nadaraya-Watson Smoothers [LuxAlgo]", "LuxAlgo - Nadaraya-Watson Smoothers", overlay = true, max_lines_count = 500, max_labels_count = 500, max_bars_back=500)




h = input.float(8.,'Bandwidth', minval = 0)

src = input(close,'Source')


repaint = input(true, 'Repainting Smoothing', tooltip = 'Repainting is an effect where the indicators historical output is subject to change over time. Disabling repainting will cause the indicator to output the endpoint of the estimator')



upCss = input.color(color.teal, 'Colors', inline = 'inline1', group = 'Style')

dnCss = input.color(color.red, '', inline = 'inline1', group = 'Style')





//Gaussian window

gauss(x, h) => math.exp(-(math.pow(x, 2)/(h * h * 2)))



//Append lines


n = bar_index


var ln = array.new_line(0)


if barstate.isfirst and repaint

    for i = 0 to 499




//End point method


var coefs = array.new_float(0)

var den = 0.


if barstate.isfirst and not repaint

    for i = 0 to 499

        w = gauss(i, h)



    den := coefs.sum()


out = 0.

if not repaint

    for i = 0 to 499

        out += src[i] * coefs.get(i)

out /= den



//Compute and display NWE


float y2 = na

float y1 = na

float y1_d = na

line l = na

label lb = na


if barstate.islast and repaint

    //Compute and set NWE point

    for i = 0 to math.min(499,n - 1)

        sum = 0.

        sumw = 0.

        //Compute weighted mean

        for j = 0 to math.min(499,n - 1)

            w = gauss(i - j, h)

            sum += src[j] * w

            sumw += w


        y2 := sum / sumw

        d = y2 - y1


        //Set coordinate line

        l := array.get(ln,i)



        line.set_color(l,y2 > y1 ? dnCss : upCss)



        if d * y1_d < 0

            label.new(n-i+1, src[i], y1_d < 0 ? '▲' : '▼'

              , color = color(na)

              , style = y1_d < 0 ? label.style_label_up : label.style_label_down

              , textcolor = y1_d < 0 ? upCss : dnCss

              , textalign = text.align_center)


        y1 := y2

        y1_d := d





var tb = table.new(position.top_right, 1, 1

  , bgcolor = #1e222d

  , border_color = #373a46

  , border_width = 1

  , frame_color = #373a46

  , frame_width = 1)


if repaint

    tb.cell(0, 0, 'Repainting Mode Enabled', text_color = color.white, text_size = size.small)





plot(repaint ? na : out, 'NWE Endpoint Estimator', out > out[1] ? upCss : dnCss)



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