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tradingview de sling shot  sistem  var system testere çevirme imkanınız varmı rica etsem

Teşekkürler şimdiden



//Created by ChrisMoody on 10-05-2014

//Known as SlingShot Method that keeps Traders on Trending Side of Market.

study("CM_SlingShotSystem", overlay=true)

sae = input(true, title="Show Aggressive Entry?, Or Use as Alert To Potential Conservative Entry?")

sce = input(true, title="Show Conservative Entry?")

st = input(true, title="Show Trend Arrows at Top and Bottom of Screen?")

def = input(false, title="Only Choose 1 - Either Conservative Entry Arrows or 'B'-'S' Letters")

pa = input(true, title="Show Conservative Entry Arrows?")

sl = input(false, title="Show 'B'-'S' Letters?")


//EMA Definitions

emaSlow = ema(close, 62)

emaFast = ema(close, 38)

//Aggressive Entry or Alert To Potential Trade

pullbackUpT() => emaFast > emaSlow and close < emaFast

pullbackDnT() => emaFast < emaSlow and close > emaFast

//Conservative Entry Code For Highlight Bars

entryUpT() => emaFast > emaSlow and close[1] < emaFast and close > emaFast

entryDnT() => emaFast < emaSlow and close[1] > emaFast and close < emaFast

//Conservative Entry True/False Condition

entryUpTrend = emaFast > emaSlow and close[1] < emaFast and close > emaFast ? 1 : 0

entryDnTrend = emaFast < emaSlow and close[1] > emaFast and close < emaFast ? 1 : 0

//Define Up and Down Trend for Trend Arrows at Top and Bottom of Screen

upTrend = emaFast >= emaSlow

downTrend = emaFast < emaSlow

//Definition for Conseervative Entry Up and Down PlotArrows

codiff = entryUpTrend == 1 ? entryUpTrend : 0

codiff2 = entryDnTrend == 1 ? entryDnTrend : 0

//Color definition for Moving Averages

col = emaFast > emaSlow ? lime : emaFast < emaSlow ? red : yellow

//Moving Average Plots and Fill

p1 = plot(emaSlow, title="Slow MA", style=linebr, linewidth=4, color=col)

p2 = plot(emaFast, title="Slow MA", style=linebr, linewidth=2, color=col)

fill(p1, p2, color=silver, transp=50)

//Aggressive Entry, Conservative Entry Highlight Bars

barcolor(sae and pullbackUpT() ? yellow : sae and pullbackDnT() ? yellow : na)

barcolor(sce and entryUpT() ? aqua : sce and entryDnT() ? aqua : na)

//Trend Triangles at Top and Bottom of Screen

plotshape(st and upTrend ? upTrend : na, title="Conservative Buy Entry Triangle",style=shape.triangleup, location=location.bottom, color=lime, transp=0, offset=0)

plotshape(st and downTrend ? downTrend : na, title="Conservative Short Entry Triangle",style=shape.triangledown, location=location.top, color=red, transp=0, offset=0)

//Plot Arrows OR Letters B and S for Buy Sell Signals

plotarrow(pa and codiff ? codiff : na, title="Up Entry Arrow", colorup=lime, maxheight=30, minheight=30, transp=0)

plotarrow(pa and codiff2*-1 ? codiff2*-1 : na, title="Down Entry Arrow", colordown=red, maxheight=30, minheight=30, transp=0)

plotchar(sl and codiff ? low - tr : na, title="Buy Entry", offset=0, char='B', location=location.absolute, color=lime, transp=0)

plotchar(sl and codiff2 ? high + tr : na, title="Short Entry", offset=0, char='S', location=location.absolute, color=red, transp=0)
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