Merhaba iq destek te soru olarak dün yazdım ama yayınlanmadı maalesef. Aşağıdaki indicatör için iq uyarlaması yapılabilir mi. Teşekkürler
lengthrsi = input(13)
lengthband = input(34)
lengthrsipl = input(2)
lengthtradesl = input(7)
lenH = input(5, minval=1, title="Price Action Channel Length")
lenL = lenH
rsiOSL = input(22, minval=0, maxval=49, title="RSI Oversold Level")
rsiOBL = input(78, minval=51, maxval=100, title="RSI Overbought Level")
strength = input(2, minval=1, maxval=3, step=1, title="Strength Level: (1)Strong (2)Medium (3)All")
sgb = input(false, title="Check Box To Turn Bars Gray")
sbr = input(true, title="Highlight TDI Alert Bars")
sal = input(true, title="Show Alert Condition Status")
uha = input(false, title="Use Heikin Ashi Candles for Calculations")
// Constants colours that include fully non-transparent option.
blue100 = #0000FFFF
aqua100 = #00FFFFFF
fuchsia100 = #FF00FFFF
purple100 = #800080FF
gray100 = #808080FF
gold100 = #FFD700FF
white100 = #FFFFFFFF
black100 = #000000FF
gold = #FFD700
// Use only Heikinashi Candles for all calculations or use Standard Candles for calculations.
security_1 = security(heikinashi(syminfo.tickerid), timeframe.period, close)
security_2 = security(syminfo.ticker, timeframe.period, close)
srcClose = uha ? security_1 : security_2
security_3 = security(heikinashi(syminfo.tickerid), timeframe.period, open)
security_4 = security(syminfo.ticker, timeframe.period, open)
srcOpen = uha ? security_3 : security_4
security_5 = security(heikinashi(syminfo.tickerid), timeframe.period, high)
security_6 = security(syminfo.ticker, timeframe.period, high)
srcHigh = uha ? security_5 : security_6
security_7 = security(heikinashi(syminfo.tickerid), timeframe.period, low)
security_8 = security(syminfo.ticker, timeframe.period, low)
srcLow = uha ? security_7 : security_8
r = rsi(srcClose, lengthrsi)
ma = sma(r, lengthband)
offs = 1.6185 * stdev(r, lengthband)
upZone = ma + offs
dnZone = ma - offs
mid = (upZone + dnZone) / 2
mab = sma(r, lengthrsipl)
mbb = sma(r, lengthtradesl)
hline(rsiOSL,, linewidth=1)
hline(50,, linewidth=1)
hline(rsiOBL, color=color.lime, linewidth=1)
// Plot the TDI
upl = plot(upZone,, title="VB Channel High", linewidth=2)
dnl = plot(dnZone,, title="VB Channel Low", linewidth=2)
midl = plot(mid,, linewidth=2, title="MBL")
mabl = plot(mab,, linewidth=2, title="RSI PL")
mbbl = plot(mbb,, linewidth=2, title="TSL Signal")
//create RSI TSL cloud to indicate trend direction.
fill(mabl, mbbl, color=mab > mbb ? :, transp=90)
// Calculate Price Action Channel (PAC)
smmaH = 0.0
smmaL = 0.0
sma_1 = sma(srcHigh, lenH)
smmaH := na(smmaH[1]) ? sma_1 : (smmaH[1] * (lenH - 1) + srcHigh) / lenH
sma_2 = sma(srcLow, lenL)
smmaL := na(smmaL[1]) ? sma_2 : (smmaL[1] * (lenL - 1) + srcLow) / lenL
umacd = input(false, title="Use MACD Filtering")
fastMA = input(title="MACD Fast MA Length", type=input.integer, defval=8, minval=2)
slowMA = input(title="MACD Slow MA Length", type=input.integer, defval=16, minval=7)
signal = input(title="MACD Signal Length", type=input.integer, defval=1, minval=1)
[currMacd, _, _] = macd(srcClose[0], fastMA, slowMA, signal)
rising_1 = rising(currMacd, 2)
falling_1 = falling(currMacd, 2)
macdH = currMacd > 0 ? rising_1 ? : :
falling_1 ? :
// Bar - Highlighting based on indication strength
long = (not umacd or macdH == and mab > mbb and mab < rsiOBL and
mab > rsiOSL and srcHigh > smmaH and srcClose > srcOpen ?
mbb > mid ? 1 : mab > mid and mbb < mid ? 2 : mab < mid and mbb < mid ? 3 : 0 : 0
short = (not umacd or macdH == and mab < mbb and mab < rsiOBL and
mab > rsiOSL and srcLow < smmaL and srcClose < srcOpen ?
mbb < mid ? 1 : mab < mid and mbb > mid ? 2 : mab > mid and mbb > mid ? 3 : 0 : 0
// Find the right Bar colour if enabled.
bcolor = not sbr ? na : long == 1 ? gold100 :
long == 2 and strength > 1 ? aqua100 : long == 3 and strength > 2 ? blue100 :
short == 1 ? fuchsia100 : short == 2 and strength > 1 ? purple100 :
short == 3 and strength > 2 ? black100 : sgb ? gray100 : na
barcolor(color=bcolor, title="Bars Colours")
// === ALERT conditions
// create alerts only once per sequence type.
longCond = long > 0 and long != long[1] and long <= strength
shortCond = short > 0 and short != short[1] and short <= strength
// show dot only when alert condition is met and bar closed.
plotshape(sal and (longCond[1] or shortCond[1]), title="Alert Indicator", location=location.bottom,
color=long[1] == 1 ? gold : long[1] == 2 ? color.aqua : long[1] == 3 ? : short[1] == 1 ? color.fuchsia : short[1] == 2 ? color.purple : short[1] == 3 ? : na,
transp=0,, offset=-1)
// === /ALERT conditions.
// === STRATEGY ===
tradeType = input("BOTH", title="What trades should be taken : ", options=["LONG", "SHORT", "BOTH", "NONE"])
// stop loss
slPoints = input(defval=0, title="Initial Stop Loss Points (zero to disable)", minval=0)
tpPoints = input(defval=0, title="Initial Target Profit Points (zero for disable)", minval=0)
testStartYear = input(2018, "Backtest Start Year", minval=1980)
testStartMonth = input(1, "Backtest Start Month", minval=1, maxval=12)
testStartDay = input(1, "Backtest Start Day", minval=1, maxval=31)
testPeriodStart = timestamp(testStartYear, testStartMonth, testStartDay, 0, 0)
testStopYear = input(9999, "Backtest Stop Year", minval=1980)
testStopMonth = input(12, "Backtest Stop Month", minval=1, maxval=12)
testStopDay = input(31, "Backtest Stop Day", minval=1, maxval=31)
testPeriodStop = timestamp(testStopYear, testStopMonth, testStopDay, 0, 0)
testPeriod() =>
time >= testPeriodStart and time <= testPeriodStop ? true : false
//set up exit parameters
TP = tpPoints > 0 ? tpPoints : na
SL = slPoints > 0 ? slPoints : na
// Make sure we are within the bar range, Set up entries and exit conditions
if testPeriod() and tradeType != "NONE"
strategy.entry("long", strategy.long, when=longCond == true and tradeType != "SHORT")
strategy.entry("short", strategy.short, when=shortCond == true and tradeType != "LONG")
strategy.close("long", when=shortCond == true and tradeType == "LONG")
strategy.close("short", when=longCond == true and tradeType == "SHORT")
strategy.exit("XL", from_entry="long", profit=TP, loss=SL)
strategy.exit("XS", from_entry="short", profit=TP, loss=SL)
// === /STRATEGY ===