Tradingviewde bulunan snab_rsi_ema adında bizim rsi nin ema versiyonu güzel kesişimlerden güzel sonuçlar aldım matriks prame dada kullan mak istiyorum yardımcı olursanız sevinirim kodunu yazıyorum ...
// This source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at
// © balipour
study(title="RSI & EMA with Reverse Calculator Panel [pig]", shorttitle="BA RSI & EMA", overlay=false)
src = input(close, "===== Source =====", input.source)
len = input(14, "RSI Length", input.integer, minval=2)
lenema = input(12, "EMA Length", input.integer, minval=2)
ob = input(70.0, "Overbought Input", input.float,minval=0,step=5)
os = input(30.0, "Oversold Input", input.float,minval=0,step=5)
pan = input(true, " Show Information Panel", input.bool )
off = input(35, " Panel Position Offset", input.integer, minval=0)
s = input(true, "Show Entered RSI Price Level", input.bool )
ersi = input(40.0, " Entered RSI Input", input.float)
s2 = input(false, "Show RSI Level for Input Price", input.bool )
ip = input(10000, " Entered Price for RSI", input.float)
dec = input(1, "Decimals", input.integer, minval=0 , maxval = 10)
bg = input(false, "Invisible Background", input.bool )
//Reverse RSI Functions
reverse(Level) =>
x1 = (len - 1) * (rma(max(nz(src[1],src) - src, 0), len) * Level / (100 - Level) - rma(max(src - nz(src[1],src), 0), len))
iff(x1 >= 0, src + x1, src + x1 * (100 - Level) / Level)
rsi = rsi(src,len)
ma = ema(rsi, lenema)
//Reverse RSI Price Level Calculations
revma = reverse(ma)
revob = reverse(ob)
revos = reverse(os)
reversi = reverse(ersi)
//Reverse Reverse RSI
alpha = 1 / len
up1 = rma(max(change(src),0),len)
down1 = rma(-min(change(src), 0), len)
up = alpha * max(input - src[1], 0) + (1 - alpha)*nz(up1[1])
down = alpha * -min(input - src[1], 0) + (1 - alpha)*nz(down1[1])
rsi = down == 0 ? 100 : up == 0 ? 0 : 100 - (100 / (1 + up / down))
rrrsi = rr(ip)
plot(rsi, color=#40E0D0, linewidth=2, transp=0)
plot(ma, "EMA", color=color.white, style=plot.style_line, transp=0, linewidth=1)
bullzoneband = hline(65, "Bull Lower Zone", color=#40E0D0, linewidth=2, linestyle=hline.style_dotted)
upband = hline(80, "Bull Uppe Zoner", color=#40E0D0, linewidth=2)
fill(upband, bullzoneband, color=#40E0D0, transp=90)
bearzoneband = hline(45, "Bear Upper Zone", color=#9400D3, linewidth=2, linestyle=hline.style_dotted)
downband = hline(30, "Bear Lower Zone", color=#9400D3, linewidth=2)
fill(bearzoneband, downband, color=#9400D3, transp=90)
plot(s ? ersi : na, "Entered RSI Value", color = color.lime, trackprice = true ,show_last = 1)
plot(s2 ? rrrsi : na, "RSI Value for Entered Price", color =, trackprice = true ,show_last = 1)
//Information Panel
labelstyle = label.style_label_center
labelstyle2 = label.style_label_down
labelc = bg ?, 100) :, 45)
//Round Function
Round(src, digits) =>
p = pow(10,digits)
xp(offset) =>
time + round(change(time) * offset)
lable1(offset,P, T, s, color_PnL) =>
label PnL_Label = na
PnL_Label :=, P, text = T, color=color_PnL, textcolor=color.white, style = s, yloc=yloc.price, xloc=xloc.bar_time,size=size.normal)
if rsi < ma
//Panel Plot
if (pan)
lable1(off,50, "RSI Cross " + ud() + " Price : " + tostring(Round(revma,dec)) + "\n\n" + tostring(Round(ob,dec)) + " Overbought Level Price : " + tostring(Round(revob,dec)) + "\n\n" + tostring(Round(os,dec)) + " Oversold Level Price : " + tostring(Round(revos,dec)),labelstyle,labelc)
lable1(1,ersi, tostring(Round(ersi,dec)) + " RSI Price : " + tostring(Round(reversi,dec)) ,labelstyle2,labelc)
lable1(1,rrrsi, "RSI " + tostring(Round(rrrsi,dec)) + " For Input Price " + tostring(Round(ip,dec)) ,labelstyle2, labelc)