0 beğenilme 0 beğenilmeme
116 kez görüntülendi
strategy('dca-bb12 bist', overlay=true, pyramiding=99, process_orders_on_close=true, commission_type=strategy.commission.percent, commission_value=0.04, initial_capital=100000)



// Fibonacci Levels
fib_0 = input.float(0.382, "Fib Level 0")
fib_1 = input.float(0.618, "Fib Level 1")

// Calculate Fibonacci levels
fib_range = ta.highest(high, 2) - ta.lowest(low, 2)

fib_level_0 = ta.highest(high, 2) - (fib_range * fib_0)
fib_level_1 = ta.highest(high, 2) - (fib_range * fib_1)

// RSI
rsi_length = input(14, "RSI Length")
rsi_overbought = input(70, "RSI Overbought Level")
rsi_oversold = input(30, "RSI Oversold Level")

rsi_value = ta.rsi(close, rsi_length)

// Determine buy and sell conditions
buy_condition = ta.crossover(rsi_value, rsi_oversold) and close > fib_level_1
sell_condition = ta.crossunder(rsi_value, rsi_overbought) and close < fib_level_0


import TradingView/ta/7
atr_len = input.int(10, "ATR Length", group = "SuperTrend Settings")
fact = input.float(3, "SuperTrend Factor", group = "SuperTrend Settings")
training_data_period = input.int(100, "Training Data Length", group = "K-Means Settings")
highvol = input.float(0.75, "Initial High volatility Percentile Guess", maxval = 1, group = "K-Means Settings", tooltip = "The initial guess of where the potential 'high volatility' area is, a value of 0.75 will take the 75th percentile of the range of ATR values over the training data period")
midvol = input.float(0.5, "Initial Medium volatility Percentile Guess", maxval = 1, group = "K-Means Settings", tooltip = "The initial guess of where the potential 'medium volatility' area is, a value of 0.5 will take the 50th percentile of the range of ATR values over the training data period")
lowvol = input.float(0.25, "Initial Low volatility Percentile Guess", maxval = 1, group = "K-Means Settings", tooltip = "The initial guess of where the potential 'low volatility' area is, a value of 0.25 will take the 25th percentile of the range of ATR values over the training data period")
green = input.color(#00ffbb, "Bullish Color", group = "Appearance")
red = input.color(#ff1100, "Bearish Color", group = "Appearance")

pine_supertrend(factor, atr) =>
    src = hl2
    upperBand = src + factor * atr
    lowerBand = src - factor * atr
    prevLowerBand = nz(lowerBand[1])
    prevUpperBand = nz(upperBand[1])

    lowerBand := lowerBand > prevLowerBand or close[1] < prevLowerBand ? lowerBand : prevLowerBand
    upperBand := upperBand < prevUpperBand or close[1] > prevUpperBand ? upperBand : prevUpperBand
    int _direction = na
    float superTrend = na
    prevSuperTrend = superTrend[1]
    if na(atr[1])
        _direction := 1
    else if prevSuperTrend == prevUpperBand
        _direction := close > upperBand ? -1 : 1
        _direction := close < lowerBand ? 1 : -1
    superTrend := _direction == -1 ? lowerBand : upperBand
    [superTrend, _direction]

volatility = ta.atr(atr_len)

upper = ta.highest(volatility, training_data_period)
lower = ta.lowest(volatility, training_data_period)

high_volatility = lower + (upper-lower) * highvol
medium_volatility = lower + (upper-lower) * midvol
low_volatility = lower + (upper-lower) * lowvol

iterations = 0

size_a = 0
size_b = 0
size_c = 0

hv = array.new_float()
mv = array.new_float()
lv = array.new_float()
amean = array.new_float(1,high_volatility)
bmean = array.new_float(1,medium_volatility)
cmean = array.new_float(1,low_volatility)

if nz(volatility) > 0 and bar_index >= training_data_period-1

    while ((amean.size() == 1 ? true : (amean.first() != amean.get(1))) or (bmean.size() == 1 ? true : (bmean.first() != bmean.get(1))) or (cmean.size() == 1 ? true : (cmean.first() != cmean.get(1))))
        for i = training_data_period-1 to 0
            if math.abs(volatility[i] - amean.first()) < math.abs(volatility[i] - bmean.first()) and math.abs(volatility[i] - amean.first()) < math.abs(volatility[i] - cmean.first())

            if math.abs(volatility[i] - bmean.first()) < math.abs(volatility[i] - amean.first()) and math.abs(volatility[i] - bmean.first()) < math.abs(volatility[i] - cmean.first())

            if math.abs(volatility[i] - cmean.first()) < math.abs(volatility[i] - amean.first()) and math.abs(volatility[i] - cmean.first()) < math.abs(volatility[i] - bmean.first())
        size_a := hv.size()
        size_b := mv.size()
        size_c := lv.size()
        iterations := iterations + 1

hv_new = amean.first()
mv_new = bmean.first()
lv_new = cmean.first()
vdist_a = math.abs(volatility - hv_new)
vdist_b = math.abs(volatility - mv_new)
vdist_c = math.abs(volatility - lv_new)

distances = array.new_float()
centroids = array.new_float()



cluster = distances.indexof(distances.min()) // 0 for high, 1 for medium, 2 for low
assigned_centroid = cluster == -1 ? na : centroids.get(cluster)

[ST, dir] = pine_supertrend(fact, assigned_centroid)

t1 = 70
t2 = 95



// ----------------------------------
// Strategy Inputs
// ----------------------------------
take_profit = input.float(2, title='Take Profit (%)', minval=0.0, step=0.1) / 100
take_profit_type = input.string(defval='% from total volume', title='Take Profit Type', options=['% from total volume', '% from base order'])
ttp = input.float(0.0, title='Trailing Take Profit (%) [0 = Disabled]', minval=0.0, step=0.1) / 100
stop_loss = input.float(0.0, title='Stop Loss (%) [0 = Disabled]', minval=0.0, step=0.1) / 100
order_size_type = input.string(defval='Fixed', title='Order Size Type', options=['Fixed', '% of equity'])
base_order = input(1200, title='Base Order')
safe_order = input(300, title='Safety Order')
max_safe_order = input.int(10, title='Max Safety Trades Count', minval=0, maxval=99, step=1)
price_deviation = input.float(1.2, title='Price deviation to open safety order (%)', minval=0.0, step=0.1) / 100
safe_order_volume_scale = input.float(1.7, title='Safety Order Volume Scale', step=0.1)
safe_order_step_scale = input.float(1.3, title='Safety Order Step Scale', step=0.1)
dsc = input.string(defval='Start ASAP', title='Deal Start Condition', options=['Start ASAP', 'RSI-7', 'TV presets'])
dsc_rsi_threshold = input.int(defval=30, title='[RSI-7 only] RSI Threshold', minval=1, maxval=99)
dsc_technicals = input.string(defval='Strong', title='[TV presets only] Strength', options=['Strong', 'Weak'])
dsc_res = input.timeframe('', title='[RSI-7 and TV presets Only] Indicator Timeframe')
bot_direction = input.string(defval='Long', title='Bot Direction', options=['Long', 'Short'])
start_time = input.time(defval=timestamp('15 June 2000 06:00'), title='Start Time')
end_time = input.time(defval=timestamp('31 Dec 2099 20:00'), title='End Time')

// ----------------------------------
// Declarations
// ----------------------------------
var bo_level = 0.0
var last_so_level = 0.0
var so_level = 0.0
var ttp_active = false
var ttp_extremum = 0.0
var ttp_level = 0.0
var stop_level = 0.0
var take_profit_level = 0.0
var deal_counter = 0
var stop_loss_counter = 0
var stop_loss_on_bar = false
var latest_price = close
var deal_start_condition = false
var start_time_actual = start_time
var end_time_actual = start_time

var float init_price = na
var IS_LONG = bot_direction == 'Long'


// ----------------------------------
// Utilities functions
// ----------------------------------
pretty_date(t) =>
    str.tostring(dayofmonth(t)) + '/' + str.tostring(month(t)) + '/' + str.tostring(year(t))

within_window() =>
    time >= start_time and time <= end_time

base_order_size() =>
    order_size_type == 'Fixed' ? base_order : base_order / 100 * strategy.equity
safe_order_size() =>
    order_size_type == 'Fixed' ? safe_order : safe_order / 100 * strategy.equity

safety_order_deviation(index) =>
    price_deviation * math.pow(safe_order_step_scale, index - 1)

safety_order_price(index, last_safety_order_price) =>
    if IS_LONG
        last_safety_order_price * (1 - safety_order_deviation(index))
        last_safety_order_price * (1 + safety_order_deviation(index))

safety_order_qty(index) =>
    safe_order_size() * math.pow(safe_order_volume_scale, index - 1)

max_amount_for_bot_usage() =>
    var total_qty = 0.0
    var last_order_qty = 0.0
    total_qty := base_order_size()
    last_order_qty := safe_order_size()
    if max_safe_order > 0
        for index = 1 to max_safe_order by 1
            total_qty += safety_order_qty(index)
    total_qty  // returned value

max_deviation() =>
    var total_deviation = 0.0
    total_deviation := 0.0
    for index = 1 to max_safe_order by 1
        total_deviation += safety_order_deviation(index)

currency_format() =>
    if syminfo.currency == 'USDT' or syminfo.currency == 'USD' or syminfo.currency == 'TUSD' or syminfo.currency == 'BUSD' or syminfo.currency == 'USDC' or syminfo.currency == 'EUR' or syminfo.currency == 'AUD'
    else if syminfo.currency == 'BTC'
        // TODO (rouxam) list more options


// ***********************************
// Deal Start Condition Strategies
// ***********************************

// RSI-7
// ***********************************

rsi_signal() =>
    // Regular strat would be crossover but not for 3C DCA Bot
    rsi7 = ta.rsi(close, 7)
    if IS_LONG
        [rsi7 < dsc_rsi_threshold, close]
        [rsi7 > dsc_rsi_threshold, close]


// ----------------------------------
// (Re-)Initialize
// ----------------------------------
var max_amount = max_amount_for_bot_usage()
var max_dev = max_deviation()
init_price := na(init_price) and within_window() ? open : init_price
latest_price := within_window() ? close : latest_price

// Actualize the start and end time of the backtesting window because number of bars is limited.
// NOTE: limits on number of available bars:
//      TradingView FREE account: 5000 bars available,
//      TradingView PRO/PRO+ account: 10000 bars available,
//      TradingView PREMIUM account: 20000 bars available.
start_time_actual := barstate.isfirst and time > start_time_actual ? time : start_time_actual
end_time_actual := time > end_time_actual and time <= end_time ? time : end_time_actual

if strategy.position_size == 0.0
    ttp_extremum := 0.0
    ttp_active := false
    deal_start_condition := false

// ----------------------------------
// Open deal with Base Order on Deal Start Condition
// ----------------------------------
[dsc_rsi, bo_level_rsi] = request.security(syminfo.tickerid, dsc_res, rsi_signal())
[dsc_ta, bo_level_ta] = request.security(syminfo.tickerid, dsc_res, ta_presets_signal())





so1t=ta.valuewhen(max_safe_order>=1 and ta.crossunder(low,so1p),time,0)
Algoritmik Trading kategorisinde (12 puan) tarafından | 116 kez görüntülendi

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