0 beğenilme 0 beğenilmeme
69 kez görüntülendi

TrandinVeiwde kullandiğim indikatör matriks IQ ya cevirmemde yardimci olurmusunuz alarmlar 1dk geç caliyor bunu nasil cözebilirim Kullandiğim indikatörün açik kaynak kodu burada 


study("ZigZag Plus [xdecow]", overlay=true, max_bars_back=1500)


useclose = input(true, title="Use close to confirm", type=input.bool)


alertupvol = input(50, title="Up swing alert perc", type=input.float, minval=0.01)

alertdnvol = input(50, title="Down swing alert perc", type=input.float, minval=0.01)


lineColorInput = input('navy', 'Line color', options=['aqua', 'black', 'blue', 'fuchsia', 'gray', 'green', 'lime', 'maroon', 'navy', 'olive', 'orange', 'purple', 'red', 'silver', 'teal', 'white', 'yellow'])

lineColor = lineColorInput == 'aqua' ? color.aqua :

  lineColorInput == 'black' ? color.black :

  lineColorInput == 'blue' ? color.blue :

  lineColorInput == 'fuchsia' ? color.fuchsia :

  lineColorInput == 'gray' ? color.gray :

  lineColorInput == 'green' ? color.green :

  lineColorInput == 'lime' ? color.lime :

  lineColorInput == 'marron' ? color.maroon :

  lineColorInput == 'navy' ? color.navy :

  lineColorInput == 'olive' ? color.olive :

  lineColorInput == 'orange' ? color.orange :

  lineColorInput == 'purple' ? color.purple :

  lineColorInput == 'red' ? color.red :

  lineColorInput == 'silver' ? color.silver :

  lineColorInput == 'teal' ? color.teal :

  lineColorInput == 'white' ? color.white :

  lineColorInput == 'yellow' ? color.yellow :



var bool uptrend = na


var float tophigh = na(uptrend[1]) ? high : na

var float toplow = na(uptrend[1]) ? low : na


var float bothigh = na(uptrend[1]) ? high : na

var float botlow = na(uptrend[1]) ? low : na


newtop = na(uptrend[1])

newbot = na(uptrend[1])

changed = na(uptrend[1])


// colors

cup1 = #67E300

cup2 = #439400

cup3 = #A9F16C


cdown1 = #E7003E

cdown2 = #AD2B4E

cdown3 = #F36D91


if na(uptrend[1])

    uptrend := close > close[1]



    if uptrend[1]

        if na(tophigh[1]) or high > tophigh[1]

            tophigh := high

            toplow := low

            newtop := true


        if na(toplow[1]) or ((close < toplow[1] and useclose) or (low < toplow[1] and not useclose))

            bothigh := high

            botlow := low

            newbot := true

            changed := true

            uptrend := false


        if na(botlow[1]) or low < botlow[1]

            bothigh := high

            botlow := low

            newbot := true


        if na(bothigh[1]) or ((close > bothigh[1] and useclose) or (high > bothigh[1] and not useclose))

            tophigh := high

            toplow := low

            changed := true

            newtop := true

            uptrend := true


// labels

float v = 0.0

float oldv = 0.0


float perc = 0.0

float perc2 = 0.0


if changed and not barstate.isrealtime

    if uptrend

        for i = 0 to 1000

            if newbot[i]


                v := open > close ? volume : 0.0

                for j = 1 to 1000

                    if newtop[j]

                        if open[j] > close[j]

                            v := v + volume[j]


                    v := v + volume[j]


                oldv := valuewhen(changed and uptrend, v, 1)

                perc := (v - oldv) * 100 / oldv


                label.new(bar_index[i], na, "Vol: " + tostring(round(v), "#,###,###.##") + " (" + (perc > 0 ? "+" : "") + tostring(round(perc)) + "%)",



                  style=label.style_labelup, yloc=yloc.belowbar)



        for i = 0 to 1000

            if newtop[i]

                v := open < close ? volume : 0.0

                for j = 1 to 1000

                    if newbot[j]

                        if open[j] < close[j]

                            v := v + volume[j]


                    v := v + volume[j]


                oldv := valuewhen(changed and not uptrend, v, 1)

                perc2 := (v - oldv) * 100 / oldv


                label.new(bar_index[i], na, "Vol: " + tostring(round(v), "#,###,###.##") + " (" + (perc2 > 0 ? "+" : "") + tostring(round(perc2)) + "%)",



                  style=label.style_labeldown, yloc=yloc.abovebar)



alertcondition(changed[1], title='Direction changed', message='Zigzag top/bottom found')

alertcondition(changed[1] and uptrend, title='Up swing started', message='Up swing started')

alertcondition(changed[1] and not uptrend, title='Down swing started', message='Down swing started')


alertcondition(perc2 >= alertupvol, title='Up swing vol', message='Up swing volume increased')

alertcondition(perc >= alertdnvol, title='Down swing vol', message='Down swing volume increased')


// bar color

barcolor(changed ? uptrend ? cup1 : cdown1 : na, title="Barcolor Top/Bottom confirmation")

barcolor(newtop and not changed ? cup2 : newbot and not changed ? cdown2 : na, title="Barcolor Candle Breakout confirmation")

barcolor(uptrend and not newtop and not changed ? cup3 : not uptrend and not newbot and not changed ? cdown3 : na, title="Barcolor Inside bar confirmation")


// shapes

plotshape(uptrend and changed, style=shape.triangleup, color=cup1, location=location.belowbar, title="Bottom confirmation")

plotshape(not uptrend and changed, style=shape.triangledown, color=cdown1, location=location.abovebar, title="Top confirmation")


plotshape(newtop and not changed, style=shape.circle, color=cup2, location=location.belowbar, title="Uptrend candle breakout")

plotshape(newbot and not changed, style=shape.circle, color=cdown2, location=location.abovebar, title="Downtrend candle breakout")


plotshape(uptrend and not newtop and not changed, style=shape.square, color=cup3, location=location.belowbar, title="Uptrend inside bar")

plotshape(not uptrend and not newbot and not changed, style=shape.square, color=cdown3, location=location.abovebar, title="Downtrend inside bar")


// zig zag

getBot() =>

    int index = na

    float resbot = na

    x = not uptrend ? 1 : 0

    for i = x to 1000

        if newbot[i]

            index := i

            resbot := low[i]


    [index, resbot]


getTop() =>

    int index = na

    float restop = na

    x = uptrend ? 1 : 0

    for i = x to 1000

        if newtop[i]

            index := i

            restop := high[i]


    [index, restop]


[ziglow, resbotnew] = getBot()

[zighigh, restopnew] = getTop()


if changed[1]

    if uptrend[1]

        l = line.new(bar_index[ziglow[1]+1], low[ziglow[1]+1], bar_index[zighigh[1]+1], high[zighigh[1]+1], width=2, color=lineColor)


        l = line.new(bar_index[ziglow[1]+1], low[ziglow[1]+1], bar_index[zighigh[1]+1], high[zighigh[1]+1], width=2, color=lineColor)


// support and resistance

var float restop = na

var float resbot = na


if changed

    if uptrend

        resbot := resbotnew


        restop := restopnew


plot(restop, color=color.green, style=plot.style_circles, title='Resistance')

plot(resbot, color=color.red, style=plot.style_circles, title='Support')

İndikator kategorisinde (12 puan) tarafından | 69 kez görüntülendi

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