// EMA-14
ma8_len = input(8, "Length", group='EMA')
src8 = input(close, "Source")
res8 = input.timeframe('240', "Resolution", title="EMA-8 4S")
htf_ma8 = ta.ema(src8, ma8_len)
out8 = request.security(syminfo.tickerid, res8, htf_ma8)
plot(out8, color=color.rgb(15, 186, 3), linewidth=2, title='EMA8 4S')
ma18_len = input(55, "Length", group='EMA')
src18 = input(close, "Source")
res18 = input.timeframe('240', "Resolution", title="EMA55 4S")
htf_ma18 = ta.ema(src18, ma18_len)
out18 = request.security(syminfo.tickerid, res18, htf_ma18)
plot(out18, color=color.rgb(241, 6, 6), linewidth=2, style=plot.style_cross, title='EMA55 4S')
ma28_len = input(8, "Length", group='EMA')
src28 = input(close, "Source")
res28 = input.timeframe('1D', "Resolution", title="EMA8 GÃœNLÃœK")
htf_ma28 = ta.ema(src28, ma28_len)
out28 = request.security(syminfo.tickerid, res28, htf_ma28)
plot(out28, color=color.rgb(228, 1, 134), linewidth=2, title='EMA8 GÃœNLÃœK')
ma3_len = input(9, "Length", group='WMA')
src3 = input(close, "Source")
res3 = input.timeframe('1W', "Resolution", title="wma9Periyod")
htf_ma3 = ta.wma(src3, ma3_len)
out3 = request.security(syminfo.tickerid, res3, htf_ma3)
plot(out3, color=color.rgb(10, 147, 0), linewidth=3, title='WMA-9HAFTALIK')
ma4_len = input.int(15, "Length", group='WMA')
src4 = input(close, "Source")
res4 = input.timeframe('1W', "Resolution", title="wma15Periyod")
htf_ma4 = ta.wma(src4, ma4_len)
out4 = request.security(syminfo.tickerid, res4, htf_ma4)
plot(out4, color=color.rgb(255, 136, 0), linewidth=3, title='WMA-15HAFTALIK')
// Haftalık 9 EMA'nın %15 fazlasını hesapla
percent_increase = input.int(15, title="Percent Increase") / 100
// ATR'yi kullanmadan %15 artışı hesapla
trailing_percent = 1 + percent_increase
trailing_value = out3 * trailing_percent
// Plot the trailing line
plot(trailing_value, color=color.rgb(0, 4, 7), linewidth=2, style=plot.style_cross, title='Trailing %15')
// Haftalık 9 WMA'nın %30 fazlasını hesapla
percent_increase1 = input.int(30, title="Percent Increase") / 100
// ATR'yi kullanmadan %30 artışı hesapla
trailing_percent1 = 1 + percent_increase1
trailing_value1 = out3 * trailing_percent1
// Plot the trailing line
plot(trailing_value1, color=color.rgb(255, 0, 0), linewidth=1, title='Trailing %30')
// Haftalık 9 WMA'nın %40 fazlasını hesapla
percent_increase2 = input.int(40, title="Percent Increase") / 100
// ATR'yi kullanmadan %40 artışı hesapla
trailing_percent2 = 1 + percent_increase2
trailing_value2 = out3 * trailing_percent2
// Plot the trailing line
plot(trailing_value2, color=color.rgb(255, 136, 0), linewidth=1, title='Trailing %40')
// Haftalık 9 WMA'nın %50 fazlasını hesapla
percent_increase3 = input.int(50, title="Percent Increase") / 100
// ATR'yi kullanmadan %60 artışı hesapla
trailing_percent3 = 1 + percent_increase3
trailing_value3 = out3 * trailing_percent3
// Plot the trailing line
plot(trailing_value3, color=color.rgb(184, 0, 65), linewidth=1, title='Trailing %50')
// Haftalık 9 WMA'nın %60 fazlasını hesapla
percent_increase4 = input.int(70, title="Percent Increase") / 100
// ATR'yi kullanmadan %60 artışı hesapla
trailing_percent4 = 1 + percent_increase4
trailing_value4 = out3 * trailing_percent4
// Plot the trailing line
plot(trailing_value4, color=color.rgb(184, 0, 65), linewidth=1, title='Trailing %70')
Midpoint(length) =>
math.avg(ta.highest(length), ta.lowest(length))
kijunTimeFrame = input.timeframe('1W', group="kijunsen")
kijunPeriods = input.int(20, title='Kijun Periods', minval=1, group="kijunsen")
kijun = request.security(syminfo.tickerid, kijunTimeFrame, Midpoint(kijunPeriods))
plot(kijun, title='Kijun Target', color=color.new(#820179, 0), linewidth=2)
length77 = input.int(21, 'length', minval=1, group="HACÄ°M BAR")
avrg = ta.sma(volume, length77)
vold1 = volume > avrg * 1.5 and close < open
vold2 = volume >= avrg * 0.5 and volume <= avrg * 1.5 and close < open
vold3 = volume < avrg * 0.5 and close < open
volu1 = volume > avrg * 1.5 and close > open
volu2 = volume >= avrg * 0.5 and volume <= avrg * 1.5 and close > open
volu3 = volume < avrg * 0.5 and close > open
cold1 = #800000
cold2 = #FF0000
cold3 = color.orange
colu1 = #006400
colu2 = color.lime
colu3 = #7FFFD4
color_1 = vold1 ? cold1 : vold2 ? cold2 : vold3 ? cold3 : volu1 ? colu1 : volu2 ? colu2 : volu3 ? colu3 : na