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// A tool that automatically draws out trend lines by connecting the most recent fractals.



indicator("Trend [zaferhali]", format=format.price, precision=0, overlay=true, max_lines_count=500)


var int TYPE_UP = 1

var int TYPE_DOWN = -1

var string LINE_WIDTH1_STR = "Width 1"

var string LINE_WIDTH2_STR = "Width 2"

_get_width(string str_input) =>

switch str_input // {string:int}




// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

// Settings:

// {

var string GROUP_FRACT = "Fractals"

var int n = input.int(10, title="Fractal Period", minval=2, group=GROUP_FRACT)

var color col_hl = input.color(color.blue, title="Plot:", inline="plot_low", group=GROUP_FRACT)

var bool show_hl = input.bool(true, title="HL", inline="plot_low", group=GROUP_FRACT)

var color col_ll = input.color(color.gray, title=", Plot:", inline="plot_low", group=GROUP_FRACT)

var bool show_ll = input.bool(false, title="LL", inline="plot_low", group=GROUP_FRACT)

var color col_lh = input.color(color.red, title="Plot:", inline="plot_high", group=GROUP_FRACT)

var bool show_lh = input.bool(true, title="LH", inline="plot_high", group=GROUP_FRACT)

var color col_hh = input.color(color.gray, title=", Plot:", inline="plot_high", group=GROUP_FRACT)

var bool show_hh = input.bool(false, title="HH", inline="plot_high", group=GROUP_FRACT)


var string GROUP_ATL = "Auto trendlines"

var string subgroup1 = "recent line"

var color ln_col_recent = input.color(color.new(color.purple, 0), title="Recent Line", group=GROUP_ATL, inline=subgroup1)

var int lnwidth_recent = _get_width(input.string(LINE_WIDTH1_STR, options=[LINE_WIDTH1_STR, LINE_WIDTH2_STR], title="", inline=subgroup1, group=GROUP_ATL))

var string subgroup2 = "historical line"

var color ln_col_prev = input.color(color.new(color.gray, 50), title="Historical Line", group=GROUP_ATL, inline=subgroup2)

var int lnwidth_prev = _get_width(input.string(LINE_WIDTH1_STR, options=[LINE_WIDTH1_STR, LINE_WIDTH2_STR], title="", inline=subgroup2, group=GROUP_ATL))


var int max_tl = input.int(1, title="Max pair of lines", maxval=250, minval=1, group=GROUP_ATL)*2

var string _str_extend = input.string("Right", options=["Right", "Both ways"], title="Which way to extend lines", group=GROUP_ATL)

var string str_extend = _str_extend == "Both ways" ? extend.both : extend.right


var bool show_crosses = input.bool(false, title="Show crosses", tooltip="Instances when closing price of a bar has crossed lower/upper trendlines", group=GROUP_ATL)

// }


// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

// Fractal UDT and other relevant data structures:

// Handle fractals and trendlines associated with them

// {

type fractal

int up_or_down = na // either TYPE_UP or TYPE_DOWN

int xloc = na

float yloc = na

int xloc_parent = na

float yloc_parent = na


var fractal[] arr_fract = array.new<fractal>() // Can be used for multiple purposes such as:

// (a) connecting trendlines but added condition to skip X no. of fractals in between

// (b) create a zigzag, since knowing foo.parent's x and y

// ... possibilities are endless


var line[] arr_ln_up = array.new_line() // Array of lines, newest elements inserted to front

var line[] arr_ln_dn = array.new_line()


// @function init_fractal() returns instance of fractal that has been init'ed

init_fractal(int fract_type, int xloc, float yloc, int xparent, float yparent)=>

f = fractal.new()

f.up_or_down := fract_type

f.xloc := xloc

f.yloc := yloc

f.xloc_parent := xparent

f.yloc_parent := yparent


ln = line.new(xloc, yloc, xparent, yparent, xloc.bar_index, str_extend, color=ln_col_recent, style=line.style_dashed, width=lnwidth_recent)

if f.up_or_down == TYPE_UP

array.unshift(arr_ln_up, ln)

else if f.up_or_down == TYPE_DOWN

array.unshift(arr_ln_dn, ln)

array.unshift(arr_fract, f)

f // <- return


// @function drop_and_roll(new fractal) returns void

// Clean up: Drop oldest trendlines, change colors for previous trendline

drop_and_roll(fractal f) =>

arr_ln = f.up_or_down == TYPE_UP ? arr_ln_up : f.up_or_down == TYPE_DOWN ? arr_ln_dn : na

if array.size(arr_ln) > 1

line.set_color(array.get(arr_ln, 1), ln_col_prev)

line.set_width(array.get(arr_ln, 1), lnwidth_prev)

while array.size(arr_ln) > math.floor(max_tl/2)



// @function draw_trendline() returns void

draw_trendline(fract_type, x2, y2, x1, y1) =>

f = init_fractal(fract_type, x2, y2, x1, y1)



// } end of handle for fractals


// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

// Fractals, implemented using ta.pivot high && low

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------


// A Fractal is always a Pivot H/L (but a Pivot H/L is not always a Fractal):

float ph = ta.pivothigh(n, n)[1], bool upfract = not na(ph)

float pl = ta.pivotlow(n, n)[1], bool downfract = not na(pl)


alertcondition(not na(ph) or not na(pl), title="New trendline formed", message="New trendline formed")


// Pointers -> Recent fractals

// {

var float recent_dn1 = na, var int i_recent_dn1 = na

var float recent_up1 = na, var int i_recent_up1 = na

var float recent_dn2 = na, var int i_recent_dn2 = na

var float recent_up2 = na, var int i_recent_up2 = na


if downfract

recent_dn2:=recent_dn1, i_recent_dn2 := i_recent_dn1

recent_dn1:=low[n+1], i_recent_dn1 := bar_index-n-1

draw_trendline(TYPE_DOWN, i_recent_dn2, recent_dn2, i_recent_dn1, recent_dn1)


if upfract

recent_up2:=recent_up1, i_recent_up2 := i_recent_up1

recent_up1:=high[n+1], i_recent_up1 := bar_index-n-1

draw_trendline(TYPE_UP, i_recent_up2, recent_up2, i_recent_up1, recent_up1)


// }


// Plotting fractals

bool hh = upfract and recent_up1 > recent_up2 ? high[n+1] : na

bool lh = upfract and recent_up1 < recent_up2 ? high[n+1] : na

bool hl = downfract and recent_dn1 > recent_dn2 ? low[n+1] : na

bool ll = downfract and recent_dn1 < recent_dn2 ? low[n+1] : na


plotshape(show_hh and hh, style=shape.circle, size=size.tiny, offset=-n-1, title="HH", text="HH", location=location.abovebar, textcolor=col_hh, color=na, editable=false)

plotshape(show_lh and lh, style=shape.circle, size=size.tiny, offset=-n-1, title="LH", text="LH", location=location.abovebar, textcolor=col_lh, color=na, editable=false)

plotshape(show_ll and ll, style=shape.circle, size=size.tiny, offset=-n-1, title="LL", text="LL", location=location.belowbar, textcolor=col_ll, color=na, editable=false)

plotshape(show_hl and hl, style=shape.circle, size=size.tiny, offset=-n-1, title="HL", text="HL", location=location.belowbar, textcolor=col_hl, color=na, editable=false)


// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

// Finding crosses between closing price & pair of most recent trendlines

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------


// @function get_slope()

get_slope(xA, yA, xB, yB) =>

(yB - yA) / (xB - xA)


// Solving for price at current x (bar_index), given two pairs of fractals with x values < bar_index.

float m_dn = get_slope(i_recent_dn1, recent_dn1, i_recent_dn2, recent_dn2)

float y_dn = (m_dn * bar_index) + recent_dn1 - (m_dn * i_recent_dn1)

float m_up = get_slope(i_recent_up1, recent_up1, i_recent_up2, recent_up2)

float y_up = (m_up * bar_index) + recent_up1 - (m_up * i_recent_up1)


// Plotting crosses

bool cross_upper = ta.cross(close, y_up)

bool cross_lower = ta.cross(close, y_dn)

plotshape(show_crosses and cross_upper, title = "Crossed upper trendline", style = shape.xcross,

location = location.belowbar, color = color.new(color = color.blue, transp = 50), size = size.small)

plotshape(show_crosses and cross_lower, title = "Crossed lower trendline", style = shape.xcross,

location = location.abovebar, color = color.new(color = color.red, transp = 50), size = size.small)


alertcondition(cross_upper or cross_lower, title="Upper/lower trendline crossed", message="Upper/lower trendline crossed")


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