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//Created by user ChrisMoody 4-24-2014...Updated 7/28/2014 added Tilson T3
//Modified on 5-5-14 for 4apprentice08 with Optional BarColor based on Price  Crossing MA #1, or #2
//Modified on 7-25-2014 to Add in Tilson T3
//Plots The Majority of Moving Averages
//Defaults to Current Chart Time Frame --- But Can Be Changed to Higher Or Lower Time Frames
//2nd MA Capability with Show Crosses Feature
study(title="CM_Ultimate_MA_MTF_V2", shorttitle="CM_Ultimate_MA_MTF_V2", overlay=true)
src = close
useCurrentRes = input(true, title="Use Current Chart Resolution?")
resCustom = input(title="Use Different Timeframe? Uncheck Box Above", type=resolution, defval="D")
len = input(20, title="Moving Average Length - LookBack Period")
//periodT3 = input(defval=7, title="Tilson T3 Period", minval=1)
factorT3 = input(defval=7, title="Tilson T3 Factor - *.10 - so 7 = .7 etc.", minval=0)
atype = input(1,minval=1,maxval=8,title="1=SMA, 2=EMA, 3=WMA, 4=HullMA, 5=VWMA, 6=RMA, 7=TEMA, 8=Tilson T3")
spc=input(false, title="Show Price Crossing 1st Mov Avg - Highlight Bar?")
cc = input(true,title="Change Color Based On Direction?")
smoothe = input(2, minval=1, maxval=10, title="Color Smoothing - Setting 1 = No Smoothing")
doma2 = input(false, title="Optional 2nd Moving Average")
spc2=input(false, title="Show Price Crossing 2nd Mov Avg?")
len2 = input(50, title="Moving Average Length - Optional 2nd MA")
sfactorT3 = input(defval=7, title="Tilson T3 Factor - *.10 - so 7 = .7 etc.", minval=0)
atype2 = input(1,minval=1,maxval=8,title="1=SMA, 2=EMA, 3=WMA, 4=HullMA, 5=VWMA, 6=RMA, 7=TEMA, 8=Tilson T3")
cc2 = input(true,title="Change Color Based On Direction 2nd MA?")
warn = input(false, title="***You Can Turn On The Show Dots Parameter Below Without Plotting 2nd MA to See Crosses***")
warn2 = input(false, title="***If Using Cross Feature W/O Plotting 2ndMA - Make Sure 2ndMA Parameters are Set Correctly***")
sd = input(false, title="Show Dots on Cross of Both MA's")

res = useCurrentRes ? period : resCustom
//hull ma definition
hullma = wma(2*wma(src, len/2)-wma(src, len), round(sqrt(len)))
//TEMA definition
ema1 = ema(src, len)
ema2 = ema(ema1, len)
ema3 = ema(ema2, len)
tema = 3 * (ema1 - ema2) + ema3

//Tilson T3
factor = factorT3 *.10
gd(src, len, factor) => ema(src, len) * (1 + factor) - ema(ema(src, len), len) * factor
t3(src, len, factor) => gd(gd(gd(src, len, factor), len, factor), len, factor)
tilT3 = t3(src, len, factor)

avg = atype == 1 ? sma(src,len) : atype == 2 ? ema(src,len) : atype == 3 ? wma(src,len) : atype == 4 ? hullma : atype == 5 ? vwma(src, len) : atype == 6 ? rma(src,len) : atype == 7 ? 3 * (ema1 - ema2) + ema3 : tilT3
//2nd Ma - hull ma definition
hullma2 = wma(2*wma(src, len2/2)-wma(src, len2), round(sqrt(len2)))
//2nd MA TEMA definition
sema1 = ema(src, len2)
sema2 = ema(sema1, len2)
sema3 = ema(sema2, len2)
stema = 3 * (sema1 - sema2) + sema3

//2nd MA Tilson T3
sfactor = sfactorT3 *.10
sgd(src, len2, sfactor) => ema(src, len2) * (1 + sfactor) - ema(ema(src, len2), len2) * sfactor
st3(src, len2, sfactor) => sgd(sgd(gd(src, len2, sfactor), len2, sfactor), len2, sfactor)
stilT3 = st3(src, len2, sfactor)

avg2 = atype2 == 1 ? sma(src,len2) : atype2 == 2 ? ema(src,len2) : atype2 == 3 ? wma(src,len2) : atype2 == 4 ? hullma2 : atype2 == 5 ? vwma(src, len2) : atype2 == 6 ? rma(src,len2) : atype2 == 7 ? 3 * (ema1 - ema2) + ema3 : stilT3

out = avg
out_two = avg2

out1 = security(tickerid, res, out)
out2 = security(tickerid, res, out_two)

//Formula for Price Crossing Moving Average #1
cr_up = open < out1 and close > out1
cr_Down = open > out1 and close < out1
//Formula for Price Crossing Moving Average #2
cr_up2 = open < out2 and close > out2
cr_Down2 = open > out2 and close < out2
//barcolor Criteria for Price Crossing Moving Average #1
iscrossUp() => cr_up
iscrossDown() => cr_Down
//barcolor Criteria for Price Crossing Moving Average #2
iscrossUp2() => cr_up2
iscrossDown2() => cr_Down2

ma_up = out1 >= out1[smoothe]
ma_down = out1 < out1[smoothe]

col = cc ? ma_up ? lime : ma_down ? red : aqua : aqua
col2 = cc2 ? ma_up ? lime : ma_down ? red : aqua : white

circleYPosition = out2

plot(out1, title="Multi-Timeframe Moving Avg", style=line, linewidth=4, color = col)
plot(doma2 and out2 ? out2 : na, title="2nd Multi-TimeFrame Moving Average", style=circles, linewidth=4, color=col2)
plot(sd and cross(out1, out2) ? circleYPosition : na,style=cross, linewidth=15, color=aqua)
//barcolor Plot for Price Crossing Moving Average #1
barcolor(spc and iscrossUp() ? (iscrossUp() ? yellow : na) : na)
barcolor(spc and iscrossDown() ? (iscrossDown() ? yellow : na) : na)
//barcolor Plot for Price Crossing Moving Average #2
barcolor(spc2 and iscrossUp2() ? (iscrossUp2() ? yellow : na) : na)
barcolor(spc2 and iscrossDown2() ? (iscrossDown2() ? yellow : na) : na)
İndikator kategorisinde (18 puan) tarafından | 559 kez görüntülendi

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Pinescript koduna hakim olmadığımızdan Tradingview’de yazılmış sistemlerin IQ’ya dönüştürülmesi noktasında maalesef yardımcı olamıyoruz.

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